Saturday, November 6, 2010

Seems Clear

Okay.  It's called the "Liberal Left" and the "Conservative Right" when it comes to politics.  Hmmm.  That pretty much says it all, doesn't it? 

On November 2nd, records were broken.  Some 682 Republicans took state level seats.  The highest ever.  The Democrats lost the House and their super majority in the Senate.  The only reason they hold the presidency was because of the fact that it wasn't on the ballot.  VP Dick Cheney said that President Obama may be the biggest boost to the conservative movement that anyone could have conceived.  If you want to learn what is right, apparently seeing the excessive left helps.

The ones losing power began setting up their rather lame arguments way ahead of time.  It was the economy still being slow.  It was the racists resentful of a black man in office.  

OH PLEASE!  I can assure you if the government had not done so many business damaging things, the economy would have been in true recovery.  I don't care how many times you say it, a "jobless recovery" is not a recovery.  Perhaps the leadership of the last 4 years (Yes, I'm including Bush and his TARP) could have looked at the Great Depression and how FDR's policies extended the hardship, and done something else.  Watching them pass stimulus, health care, tax hikes, was like reading the biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt.  Had he ever made it on his own, he might have realized how horrible his financial policies were.  Unfortunately, he never managed to really make it as a businessman.  I've heard the old joke that those who can't, teach.  I think those who can't, legislate.

Racists turned the Democrats out by the droves?  If that were true, then how could a man of mixed racial heritage have gotten into the Oval Office in the first place?  Have the people making that ridiculous argument even noticed how many African-American Republicans took offices?  Can you say Alan West?  How about the first female, Hispanic governor (Republican by the way) in New Mexico?  These are Tea Party style candidates that got that part of the vote.  Perhaps those folks should look up the meaning of the word racist.  I can only assume they believe it means the opposite of the definition that I find in the dictionary.

I'm sorry to burst the liberal bubble.  People have come to realize that true freedom comes with responsibility.  If you want to live your life the way you want to live it, you will have to deal with the consequences of your actions.  How can you succeed if you had no chance to fail?  If there is no risk, how can there be reward?  If you don't like where you are in your life, DO SOMETHING!  Fix it.  If it takes getting 2nd, 3rd, 4th jobs, do it!  If it takes going back to school, grab your books.  Take responsibility for your life and get it right.  I know there are some things that are hard to impossible to fix.  Those things you have to work within your limits and keep going.  Your past choices may get in your way but don't stop.  Freedom is the ability to make your life better.  You keep your freedom by striving towards your goals.  Don't hand it over to a bunch of bureaucrats that only care about keeping their power over their "plantations" by making you stay their slaves begging for every scrap.  If you have to look to the government for your life, they have the right to deny it. 

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